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Inside the Science - Premium
Season 1
S1E1 with Ron Donelson - Cost Impact of Quality-Assured Mechanical Assessment on LBP
S1E2 with Cody Mansfield - Cervical Myopathy Case Identifying a False Positive Sharp Purser Test
S1E3 with Cody Mansfield - Sharp-Purser Systematic Review
S1E4 with Ron Donelson - Centralization Prediction of Disc and Annular Competence
S1E5 with Audrey Long - Does it Matter Which Exercise; An RCT
S1E6 with Audrey Long - Specific Exercises for LBP; A Case Series
S1E7 with Byron Schneider - Validity of Physical Exam Maneuvers for SI Joint Pathology
S1E8 with Byron Schneider - Outcomes with SI Joint injections Considering Physical Exam Maneuvers
S1E9 with Richard Rosedale - Shoulder Ortho Tests with MDT Classification
S1E10 with Richard Rosedale - Extremity Pain of Spinal Source
S1E11 with Nikolai Bogduk - Cervical Discs as a Source of Neck Pain
S1E12 with Nikolai Bogduk - Cervicogenic Headache
S1E13 with Hans van Helvoirt - Epidural Injection after MDT to Prevent Surgery
S1E14 with Hans van Helvoirt - Reliability of Delitto's System for LBP
S1E15 with Daniel Belavy - Causality of Posture and Exposure and LBP
S1E16 with Daniel Belavy - Modes of Exercise Best for LBP
Season 2
S2E1 with Helen Clare - Reliability of Detection of Lateral Shift
S2E2 with Seth Petersen - An Alternating Lateral Shift
S2E3 with Mark Laslett - Manual Correction of an Acute Lateral Shift
S2E4 with Seth Petersen - Booster Sessions in Therapy; A Case Series
S2E5 with Hans van Helvoirt - CEN and DP Influence on Spinal Control
S2E6 with Helen Clare - Reliability of McKenzie Classification of Cervical and Lumbar Patients
S2E7 with Mark Laslett - Clinical Classification in LBP; A Systematic Review
S2E8 with Rafael Pinto - Epidural corticosteroid injections for lumbosacral radicular pain
S2E9 with Rafael Pinto - Effective Medication for Lumbosacral Pain
S2E10 with Evan Farina - Meniscal and Mechanical Symptoms and Association with Pathology
S2E11 with Ron Donelson - Influence of Directional Preference on Acute vs Chronic and Axial BP vs Sciatica
S2E12 with Ron Donelson - Can Large Disc Herniations Producing Radiculopathies Be Intentionally and Rapidly Improved
S2E13 with George Supp - What Doctors Want
S2E14 with Georg Supp - Do Patients Remember Therapist's Advice
S2E15 with Daniel Deutcher - PTs Level of Education, Outcomes and Utilization for Patients with LBP
S2E16 with Daniel Deutcher - Practice-Based Evidence Research in Rehab; An Alternative to RCTs and Observational Studies
Season 3
S3E1 with Martha Funabashi - Beliefs, perceptions and practices of chiropractors and patients about mitigating strategies of benign adverse event after spinal manipulative therapy
S3E2 with Jerome Fryer - A proposed in vitro model for investigating the mechanisms of "joint cracking"
S3E3 with Scott Miller - The Outcome Rating Scale: A Preliminary Study of the Reliability, Validity, and Feasibility
S3E4 with Scott Miller - The Session Rating Scale: Preliminary Psychometric Properties of a "Working" Alliance Measure
S3E5 with Diana de Carvalho - Association of Exposures to Seated Postures With Immediate Increases in Back Pain: A Systematic Review
S3E6 with Diana De Carvalho - Does objectively measured prolonged standing for desk work result in lower ratings of perceived low back pain than sitting? A systematic review and meta-analysis
S3E7 with Mark Shepherd - An orthopedic manual physical therapy fellowship training’s impact on professional development, involvement, personal lives, and income – A survey study
S3E8 with Christa Wille and Mikel Joachim - Lower step rate is associated with a higher risk of bone stress injury: a prospective study of collegiate cross country runners
S3 E9 with Christine Hughes - A directional preference approach for chronic pelvic pain, bladder dysfunction and concurrent musculoskeletal symptoms: a case series
S3E10 with Melissa Kolski; Validation of a pain mechanism classification system (PMCS) in physical therapy practice
S3E11 with Tim Gabbett; How Much? How Fast? How Soon? Three Simple Concepts for Progressing Training Loads to Minimize Injury Risk and Enhance Performance
S3E12 with Tim Gabbett - Is the Acute: Chronic Workload Ratio (ACWR) Associated with Risk of Time‑Loss Injury in Professional Team Sports? A Systematic Review of Methodology, Variables and Injury Risk in Practical Situations
S3E13 with Torstein Dalen-Lorensten - Does load management using the acute:chronic workload ratio prevent health problems? A cluster randomised trial of 482 elite youth footballers of both sexes
S3E14 with Christophe Demoulin - Beliefs in the Population about Cracking Sounds Produced during Spinal Manipulation
S3E15 with Vincent Eggerding - Differences in Knee Shape between ACL Injured and Non-Injured: A Matched Case-Control Study of 168 Patients
S3E16 with Vincent Eggerding - ACL reconstruction for all is not cost-effective after acute ACL rupture
Season 4
S4E1 with Kevin Biese - The Association of High School Sport Participation and Injury History in Collegiate Club Sport Athletes
S4E2 with Sinikka Kilpikoski - Comparison of Prevalence of Degenerative Findings in Lumbar Magnetic Resonance Imaging among Sciatica Patients classified using the McKenzie Method
S4E3 with Vikas Agarwal - Primary care management of patients with pain complaints and the influence of physician training in mechanical diagnosis and therapy
S4E4 with Pierre Côté; Does early management of whiplash-associated disorders assist or impede recovery?
S4E5 with Corinna Franklin; Stiff Landings, Core Stability, and Dynamic Knee Valgus: A Systematic Review
S4E6 with Corinna Franklin; Prevention of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture in Female Athletes
S4E7 with Italo Lemes; Do exercise-based prevention programmes reduce non-contact musculoskeletal injuries in football (soccer)?
S4E8 with Troy McGill - Effectiveness of PTs as PCPs compared to Family Practice MDs in Deployed Combat Location
S4E9 with Lena Bornhöft - Physiotherapy in Primary Care Triage – the effects on utilization of medical services at primary health care clinics
S4E10 with Lena Bornhöft - More cost-effective management of patients with musculoskeletal disorders in primary care after direct triaging to physiotherapists
S4E11 with Pierre Côté - Management of neck pain and associated disorders: A clinical practice guideline
S4E12 with Joseph Maccio Jr - Directional preference of the extremity: a preliminary investigation
S4E13 with Pierre Cöté - Is a government-regulated rehabilitation guideline more effective than general practitioner education or preferred-provider rehabilitation in promoting recovery from acute whiplash-associated disorders?
S4E14 with Joseph Maccio Jr - The application of mechanical diagnosis and therapy in lateral epicondylalgia
S4E15 with Kory Zimney - The clinical application of teaching people about pain
S4E16 with Kory Zimney - Evaluation is treatment for low back pain
Season 5
S5E1 with Joseph Maccio Jr - Directional preference of the wrist: a preliminary investigation
S5E2 with Monica Chan - Inter-rater Reliability of the McKenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy for the Provisional Classification of Low Back Pain in Adolescents and Young Adults
S5E3 with Terry Rose - Measurement of outcomes for patients with centralising versus non-centralising neck pain
S5E4 with Joseph Hathcock - Shoulder Pain of Spinal Source in the Military: A Case Series
S5E5 with Richard Rosedale - Efficacy of Exercise Intervention as Determined by the McKenzie System of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy for Knee Osteoarthritis; An RCT
S5E6 with Ebonie Rio - Isometric Exercise to Reduce Pain in Patellar Tendinopathy In-Season; Is It Effective “on the Road?”
S5E7 with Italo Lemes - Association of sedentary behavior and early engagement in physical activity with low back pain in adolescents: a cross‐sectional epidemiological study
S5E8 with Chad Cook - Classification of older adults who underwent lumbar-related surgery using pre-operative biopsychosocial predictors and relationships with surgical recovery
S5E9 with Ebonie Rio - Adaptation of the pathological tendon: You cannot trade in for a new one, but perhaps you don't need to?
S5E10 with Chad Cook - High-impact chronic pain transition in surgical recipients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy
S5E11 with Ebonie Rio - Is heavy eccentric calf training our best option for mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy? A systematic review and meta-analysis
S5E12 with Chad Cook - High-impact chronic pain transition in Lumbar Surgery Recipients
S5E13 with Ian Harris - Preoperative factors and patient-reported outcomes after total hip arthroplasty: a multivariable prediction model
S5E14 with Nathan Savage - The prognostic value of electrodiagnostic testing in patients with sciatica receiving physical therapy
S5E15 with Ian Harris - Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy: did it ever work?
S5E16 with Nathan Savage - The Relationship Between History and Physical Examination Findings and the Outcome of Electrodiagnostic Testing in Patients With Sciatica Referred to Physical TherapyThe prognostic value of electrodiagnostic testing in patients with sciatica receiving physical therapy
Season 6
S6E1 with Ian Harris - What messages predict intention to self-manage low back pain? A study of attitudes towards patient education
S6E2 with David Hunter - Effect of Intra-articular Platelet-Rich Plasma vs Placebo Injection on Pain and Medial Tibial Cartilage Volume in Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis The RESTORE Randomized Clinical Trial
S6E3 with Mark Hancock - How common is imaging for low back pain in primary and emergency care? Systematic review and meta-analysis of over 4 million imaging requests across 21 years
S6E4 with David Hunter - Is a stepped-care intervention effective in overweight and obese people with medial tibiofemoral osteoarthritis? A randomised controlled trial
S6E5 with Mark Hancock - Association of Lumbar MRI Findings with Current and Future Back Pain in a Population-Based Cohort Study
S6E6 with Ravi Rastogi - Exploring indicators of extremity pain of spinal source as identified by Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT): a secondary analysis of a prospective cohort study
S6E7 with David Hunter - Multi-centre randomised controlled trial comparing arthroscopic hip surgery to physiotherapist-led care for femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) syndrome on hip cartilage metabolism: the Australian FASHIoN trial
S6E8 with Mark Hancock - Risk factors for a recurrence of low back pain
S6E9 with Wayne Westcott - Exercise and Nutrition Effects on Body Composition and Blood Measures in Overweight Adults
S6E10 with Wayne Westcott - Effects of Resistance Exercise and Protein on Body Composition Following Weight Loss
S6E11 with Joshua Zadro - Diagnostic Labels for Rotator Cuff Disease Can Increase People’s Perceived Need for Shoulder Surgery: An Online Randomized Controlled Trial
S6E12 with Joshua Zadro - Effect of diagnostic labelling on management intentions for non-specific low back pain: A randomized scenario-based experiment
S6E13 with Lori Michener - Observational Scapular Dyskinesis: Known-Groups Validity in Patients With and Without Shoulder Pain
S6E14 with Joshua Zadro - Development of a patient decision aid on subacromial decompression surgery and rotator cuff repair surgery: an international mixed-methods study
S6E15 with Christina Abdel Shaheed - Efficacy, safety, and dose-dependence of the analgesic effects of opioid therapy for people with osteoarthritis: systematic review and meta-analysis
S6E16 with Christina Abdel Shaheed -Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS) for acute low back pain: systematic review
Season 7
S7E1 with Christina Abdel Shaheed; Efficacy, Tolerability, and Dose-Dependent Effects of Opioid Analgesics for Low Back Pain
S7E2 with Jean-Philippe Deneuville; The Dynamic Disc Model, a systematic review with meta-analysis
S7E3 with Jean-Philippe Deneuville; Quantitative MRI to Characterize the Nucleus Pulposus Morphological and Biomechanical Variation According to Sagittal Bending Load and Radial Fissure, an ex vivo Ovine Specimen Proof-of-Concept Study
S7E4 with Pascale Gränicher; Do athletes benefit from preoperative physical therapy before ACL-reconstruction?
S7E5 with Pascale Gränicher; Prehabilitation Improves Knee Functioning Before and Within the First Year After Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review With Meta-analysis
S7E6 with Lance Mabry; Safety Events and Privilege Utilization Rates in Advanced Practice Physical Therapy Compared to Traditional Primary Care: An Observational Study
S7E7 with Lance Mabry; Physical Therapists Are Routinely Performing the Requisite Skills to Directly Refer for Musculoskeletal Imaging: An Observational Study
S7E8 with Belinda Lawford: Removing pathoanatomical content from information pamphlets about knee osteoarthritis did not affect beliefs about imaging or surgery, but led to lower perceptions that exercise is damaging and better osteoarthritis knowledge: An online randomised controlled trial
S7E9 with Belinda Lawford: Effect of Information Content and General Practitioner Recommendation to Exercise on Treatment Beliefs and Intentions for Knee Osteoarthritis: An Online RCT
S7E10 with Laura Finucane: International Framework for Red Flags for Potential Serious Spinal Pathologies
S7E11 with Lindsay Clark and Bryant Clark: A call to action: direct access to physical therapy is highly successful in the US military. When will professional bodies, legislatures, and payors provide the same advantages to all US civilian physical therapists?
S7E12 with Angela Cadogan: Diagnostic Accuracy of Clinical Examination and Imaging Findings for Identifying Subacromial Pain
S7E13 with Angela Cadogan: Shoulder pain in primary care: Frozen shoulder
S7E14 with Kathrin Braeuninger-Weimer: Reassurance and healthcare seeking in people with persistent musculoskeletal low back pain consulting orthopaedic spine practitioners: A prospective cohort study
S7E15 with Kathrin Braeuninger-Weimer: Improving consultations for persistent musculoskeletal low back pain in orthopaedic spine settings: an intervention development
S7E16 with Yannick Tousignant-Laflamme: Rehabilitation management of low back pain – it’s time to pull it all together!
Season 8
S8E1 with Yannick Tousignant-Laflamme: Mastering Prognostic Tools: An Opportunity to Enhance Personalized Care and to Optimize Clinical Outcomes in Physical Therapy
S8E2 with Mark Laslett: The Reliability of Selected Pain Provocation Tests for Sacroiliac Joint Pathology
S8E3 with Mark Laslett: Diagnosing painful sacroiliac joints: A validity study of a McKenzie evaluation and sacroiliac provocation tests
S8E4 with Stephen May: Centralization and directional preference: An updated systematic review with synthesis of previous evidence
S8E5 with Stephen May: An international survey of the comprehensiveness of the McKenzie classification system and the proportions of classifications and directional preferences in patients with spinal pain
S8E6 with Ron Schenk; Effectiveness of mechanical diagnosis and therapy in patients with back pain who meet a clinical prediction rule for spinal manipulation
S8E7 with Ron Schenk; Utilizing directional preference in the management of cervicogenic headache: a case series
S8E8 with Eduard Verhiejen; Epidural steroid compared to placebo injection in sciatica: a systematic review and meta‑analysis
S8E9 with Eduard Verhiejen; The Outcome of Epidural Injections in Lumbar Radiculopathy Is Not Dependent on the Presence of Disc Herniation on Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Assessment of Short-Term and Long-Term Efficacy
S8E10 with Jan Hartvigsen; What low back pain is and why we need to pay attention
S8E11 with Lindsay Carlton; The application of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy to the ankle-foot complex: a case series
S8E12 with Steve Karas; A randomized clinical trial to compare the immediate effects of seated thoracic manipulation and targeted supine thoracic manipulation on cervical spine flexion range of motion and pain
S8E13 with Steve Karas; The effect of direction specific thoracic manipulation on the cervical spine: a randomized control trial
S8E14 with Peter Malliaris; Patellar Tendinopathy: Clinical Diagnosis, Load Management, and Advice for Challenging Case Presentations
S8E15 with Peter Malliaris; Patient experiences of rotator cuff-related shoulder pain and their views on diagnostic shoulder imaging: a qualitative study
S8E16 with Scott Tagliaferri; Classification approaches for treating lower back pain have small effects that are not clinically meaningful: systematic review with meta analysis
Season 9
S9E1 with Sigmund Gismervik; Physical examination tests of the shoulder: A systematic review and meta-analysis of diagnostic test performance
S9E2 with Dave Pleva; Management of concussion symptoms utilizing Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy: a case series
S9E3 with Andrew Gamble; Development of a patient decision aid for children and adolescents following anterior cruciate ligament rupture: an international mixed-methods study
S3E3 with Scott Miller - The Outcome Rating Scale: A Preliminary Study of the Reliability, Validity, and Feasibility
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